Leaders Step Into Rivers

Leaders Step into Rivers No man steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man. —Heraclitus of Ephesus (circa  535 – c. 475 BC) I don’t remember much from Philosophy 101, but...

Why Leaders Love 2x2 Matrixes (and Why I Love Cornelia Hancock) I find 2x2 matrixes beautiful. I love them so much. I've even started a collection. Why? Because I need them and because leaders need them.  For without them we're stuck in an...

Leaders Cultivate Empathy

The Hard Road Toward Empathy My counselor told me, “Jay, we need to work on empathy. With your narcissistic disorder, you might be able to display sympathy, but rarely empathy. Narcissism is really about a lack of empathy. You don’t have the ability...

Leaders Don’t Steal Glory Strike Two and You’re Out God takes glory-stealers seriously. In Numbers 20, the Scriptures record a story of how one of the OT’s greatest leaders fell victim to the temptation of stolen glory. In a place called Meribah...

Leaders Change Habits

Leaders Build HabitsA lot of work is being done on personal transformation through building good habits.  We are a product of our habits—good or bad.   A habit is a routine or behavior that is performed regularly—and in most cases automatically.I’m...